Saturday, 3 March 2018

International Women's Day - 8th March

Bake Natter and Roll WI have been hard at work organising a special event for the local community to come together and celebrate International Women's Day! Have you seen any of our purple flyers displayed around town?

2018 marks 100 years since the suffragist campaign resulted in partial votes for women. It was against the background of this campaign that the WI was first formed in 1915. Here at Bake Natter and Roll HQ we thought that International Women's Day was a great opportunity to celebrate how far we've come, and after making enquiries were so excited to learn that a speaker from the Houses of Parliament would be able to join us to give a presentation about the history of votes for women!

The theme of International Women's Day 2018 is Press for Progress, so it's also the ideal time for us to reflect on how far we still have to go in the battle for equality. Our second speakers will certainly get us thinking about that with their presentation about their efforts to support Ramana's Garden Children's Home in India, who rescue vulnerable women and children at risk from trafficking and provide them with a home and education.

As well as our speakers, there will be refreshments on sale, and members of various local women's groups on hand to chat to and find out more about what they do. We've also had some great prizes donated for the raffle by our members and various local businesses, thank you so much to everyone who's supported us. All profits raised from the event will be donated to HomeStart Waverley, our chosen charity for 2018.

We hope lots of people will join us for a fun evening on Thursday 8th March! Entry costs £3 and tickets can be reserved by emailing

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