Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Our January Meeting

When we planned the Bake Natter and Roll programme for 2018 we thought that January would be the perfect time to think about patchwork quilts - what better time than a dark, chilly evening to appreciate a warm, handmade quilt? And our first WI meeting of the year did not disappoint as our speaker Brigitte Gillespie showed us her beautiful patchwork quilts and conjured up images of cosy evenings snuggled up on the sofa, as well as impressed us with how intricate the designs were.

The hall looked lovely decorated with gorgeous quilts! Brigitte was interesting and funny, and answered lots of questions from members.

Inspired by this display we're planning a possible project and hope to get lots of members involved in creating a Bake Natter and Roll patchwork quilt which we can use as a WI tablecloth for our monthly meetings!

It was also our 2nd birthday! We celebrated with a yummy cake made by our President Cat.

Treasurer Miriam was kept busy receiving subs, and lots of members signed up for upcoming events.

At the end of the evening we considered the 5 resolutions shortlisted for consideration as national WI campaigns and each selected the one we would most like to see go forward.

It was a lovely start to our 2018 meetings, and now we're looking forward to trying some creative writing next month!

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