Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Meet the Committee!

Our fantastic Secretary and founder committee member Rachel Wheeler has sadly decided to stand down from the committee after 2 years hard work on all our behalf. We're so sorry to see her go, but are glad she'll have the chance to have a well-earned break and enjoy just being a member of Bake Natter and Roll.

So it seems apt to start introducing the new committee members with our new Secretary, Jeanie Wharrier. Jeanie joined the committee at our AGM this November.

Why did you join Bake Natter and Roll?
To make friends doing activities in the local area.

What's your favourite cake?
Sponge cake.

Tell us 3 facts about yourself?
Mad about dogs.
Love travelling.
Happy in the middle of a forest.

If you haven't already then I'm sure you'll have a chance to meet Jeanie at a meeting soon!

Saturday, 18 November 2017

A trip down memory lane

Last week we held our second AGM, so this seems an apt time for a trip down memory lane and a recap of what we've been up to over the last year.

What a year it's been! We've crafted, learnt to make curry and run round town on a murder mystery trail. Members visited the V&A, curry night was launched and we held a sewing workshop. We've met therapy dogs, been thoroughly quizzed about local and WI knowledge and learnt first aid. We had a busy tea and cake stall at Music in the Meadows, had massages at our wellbeing evening and learnt to hula hoop. New information boards have been introduced at the monthly meeting, with details of upcoming events, WI campaigns and all the BNR news. We also have a sales table each month, with lots of lovely items handmade by members, and a popular book exchange raising money for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.

Over the last year we've welcomed 21 new members and seen a lot of change within the BNR Committee. It's exciting that we now have 4 new volunteers bringing fresh ideas to the committee, and we look forward to introducing them properly to you over the next few weeks. The full committee is now as follows:
Cat Hoare           President
Jeanie Wharrier  Secretary
Miriam Forster   Treasurer
Mandy Dineley  Programme Secretary
Carole Whatnall Publicity
Beverley Teague
Linda Gregory
Ciarran Minns

Our 2018 programme is almost finalised and we look forward to sharing it with you very soon!

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Coming soon!

Firstly, apologies from Bake Natter and Roll HQ for how quiet the blog has been this year. Life has somewhat got in the way and priorities have been focused on running the WI rather than blogging about it! As we approach our second Annual Meeting on the 16th of this month we have new committee members and hopefully we'll have the resources to keep the updates more frequent.

So, watch this space! Over the next couple of months we'll have news about changes to the committee, a review of what we've been up to over the last year and (most excitingly!) be publishing our 2018 programme.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

We have a new Committee Member!

Hello there,

Welcome back to Bake, Natter and Roll - The Farnham WI Blog!

As our members already know, our lovely secretary Laura has decided to step down. Laura remains a member of Bake, Natter and Roll and we'd like to thank her for all her hard work in 2016. 

As we say goodbye to one lovely committee member, we welcome a new one........please say hello to Mandy!

Mandy is a Mum, wife, vocalist and an Independent Senior Stylist!

Why did you join Bake, Natter and Roll?
I joined to meet new women and experience a range of activities and I loved the sound of Bake, Natter & Roll

What is your favourite cake?
My favourite cake is Carrot Cake

Tell us three facts about yourself:
1:  I was a professional singer& I still sing. 
2: I love writing lyrics serious and comedy, verse and stories 
3: I have my own business

Next time you're at a Bake, Natter and Roll meeting don't forget to say hi to Mandy!

Thank you for popping by today,
The Bake, Natter and Roll Committee

Monday, 16 January 2017

Bake, Natter and Roll - 2017 Programme

Hello there,

Welcome back to Bake, Natter and Roll - The Farnham WI Blog!

Well we've survived our first year as an official WI and we're excited to share with you our programme of monthly meetings for 2017. We still meet on the third Thursday of the month and we hope you like the look of the meetings we have planned for our second year.....

2017 Meetings

19th January – Crafting

Tonight we’ll be making ourselves name badges and decorating mugs to bring along to future meetings.

16th February – Wellbeing

We will be joined by various practitioners for demonstrations and talks aimed at promoting wellbeing.

16th March – Emergency First Aid

Jen Ballard will educate us in emergency first aid.

20th April – Quiz Night

Which team will triumph at the Bake Natter and Roll Quiz night?

18th May – Make a Resolution

We’ll be discussing the resolutions being tabled at the 2017 National Federation AGM and voting accordingly. we'll be joined by Farnham Foodbank and Surrey County Council for more info on how to support the current campaign to avoid food waste and address food poverty.

15th June – Murder Mystery Trail

Whodunnit! There has been a murder and this evening we’ll be out and about solving the clues and following the trail around Farnham to work out who the murderer is.

20th July – Cooking Demo

This evening we will be enjoying a demonstration of delicious Indian cooking by Malini from Curries at Home.

21st September – Pets as Therapy

Patricia Bland will join us with a couple of canine friends to learn more about the work of pets as therapy.

19th October – Weaving and Spinning

Learn more about spinning and weaving with the West Surrey Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers.

16th November – AGM/Mummy Makes Fudge

After the business of our AGM we will be joined by Liz Usher to learn about how she started her own business, how it’s grown and what’s next for Mummy makes. We’ll have chance for sampling and buying too.

21st December – Christmas Floral Arrangement

Sue Pritchard from Lavender Hill Company will be joining us to demonstrate a beautiful seasonal floral arrangement.

I know the committee are especially looking forward to November and the opportunity to sample some scrummy fudge! 

We look forward to seeing our members at the next meeting!

Thank you for popping by today,
The Bake, Natter and Roll Committee