Tuesday, 24 May 2016

2016 Resolutions

Hello there,

Welcome back to Bake, Natter and Roll - the Farnham WI blog!

As you may know, the WI has a long history of campaigning on a wide range of issues. These campaigns are about changing things for the better and tackling the issues that matter to members.

Members are at the heart of the WI and they play a central role in bringing issues onto the WI's national agenda through our public affairs and campaigning. The WI has a resolutions and mandates process which means that every campaign starts within our membership and every year we vote on which resolutions to support.

Previous campagins and initiatives have included SOS for Honeybees, More Midwives and Time to Talk about Organ Donation.

As a newly formed WI group Bake Natter and Roll are not able to vote on the Resolutions in 2016, but that didn't stop us finding out more about them and having a discussion at our May meeting. At the meeting Gill Wright (joint Farnham and Hale member and Tresurer at Hale WI) gave us a presentation on the two resolutions have been selected to go forward to a final vote at the Annual Meeting in Brighton on 11th June:

Avoid food waste, address food poverty
'The WI calls on all supermarkets to sign up to a voluntary agreement to avoid food waste, thereby passing surplus food on to charities thus helping to address the issue of increasing food poverty in the UK.'

Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia
'We call upon HM Government and the NHS to provide facilities to enable carers to stay with people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia that have been admitted into hospital.'

Following Gill's presentation we had a group discussion about the two resolutions and look forward to hearing the outcome of the vote next month.

For more information visit the Women's Institute website.

Thank you for popping by today,
The Bake, Natter and Roll Committee

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Our May Meeting - the tea-riffic world of social media!

Hello there,

Welcome back to Bake, Natter and Roll - the Farnham WI blog!

This month our monthly meeting was led by Vice President Rachel Wheeler who also runs some of the Social Media for Bake, Natter and Roll. As Rachel also writes a blog dedicated to Afternoon Tea we decided to dedicate this meeting to the world of Social Media and Rachel shared her blogging story with the members, giving them some tips on using social media and answering questions.

Rachel is a self-taught blogger whose afternoon tea blog is popular with tea and cake lovers around the world. Rachel attributes her love of social media (Twitter in particular) to her blogs popularity and she took the members through how she set up the blog and shared it with potential readers.

Since we were talking quite a bit about afternoon tea - Rachel and President Cat Hoare thought it would be a wonderful treat to enjoy a spot of afternoon tea during the discussion and each table had a tea-riffic afternoon tea stand to enjoy....

Topics discussed during this interactive meeting included setting up a blog, using Twitter, dedicated Facebook pages, Instagram and the use of hashtags in social media (remember to be careful what you write in your tags!). Rachel answered as many questions as she could during the evening and invited members to ask her other questions via the Bake, Natter and Roll Facebook page if they wanted.

The cucumber sandwiches, savoury tarts, scones, cakes and biscuits were enjoyed by everyone!

June's monthly meeting is called WI-NEY Night - where we will be enjoying (responsibility) a selection of wine and increasing our wine knowledge!

Thank you for popping by today,
The Bake, Natter and Roll Committee