Sunday, 31 July 2016

Our July Meeting .....Make Do and Mend

Hello there,

Welcome back to the Bake, Natter and Roll Farnham WI Blog!

This month Vice President Kate hosted the monthly meeting which included a talk and demonstration from Alice and Ginny and a clothes swish! The theme for the meeting was "make do and mend" and we enjoyed an informative evening, led by Alice and Ginny, which was followed by time clothes our unwanted clothes a new home!

Alice and Ginny is a collaboration of friends Alice Butcher and Ginny Farquhar, who provide fun, informative sewing workshops that focus on building good core sewing skills, enabling greater confidence for independent sewing. They offer sewing & craft classes for all ages in Hampshire & Surrey.

During the evening Alice and Ginny talked through the importance of the "make do and mend" movement and how we can all learn simple skills to prolong the life of our clothes or reuse them in an imaginative way.

We saw lots of tools of the trade during the talk and were given ideas and tips for upcycling clothes. Alice also showed us how much fabric you can gain from unpicking an old shirt!

We were also given some top tips for sewing on missing buttons....and we all got to have a go....

Once the talk had finished the clothes swap commenced. Each attending member was inviting to bring along good quality clothes that they no longer wanted, and then we swapped....

a fun way to share clothes, extending the life of unwanted items in your wardrobe!

Once again this was a very informative evening, which left our members feeling inspired to give their wardrobes a new lease of life!

We'd like to thank Alice and Ginny for joining us.

Thank you for popping by today,
The Bake, Natter and Roll Committee

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